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Showing posts from May, 2019

Counseling the Terminally Ill

Steve Midgley shares some of the lessons he has gleaned from 30 years of coming alongside the terminally ill. Read  more  

The Fear of Death

The fear of death is not an irrational fear. Death is alien to the human race, and like any oppressive overlord, it carries with it the dread of confrontation. Like travelers moving through security, we tend to look down and shuffle on by when forced to confront the thought of death.  Continue reading

When Behaviour Turns Demonic

“Who is wise and understanding among you?” This question sets the stage for a very interesting juxtaposition of behavior found in James 3, where James gives two diametrically opposed relational mindsets found in the Christian life. All biblical counselors would love to have the joy of counseling people who respond with meekness, gentleness, good conduct, and wisdom. But the reality is, we often find ourselves in the foray of battle where Christians are mimicking worldly behavior—taking on characteristics of the former self and honoring their former master. Kyle Swanson  explains these opposing mindsets