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Showing posts from December, 2017

Categorising Humanness

Categorizing Humanness When my grandfather was a prisoner-of-war, he was witness to incredible cruelty on the part of the captors. Since the prisoners were viewed as not being human, the captors felt free to treat them in anyway they wished. According to the captors, the prisoners were inferior creatures. De-Humanizing People being judged as inferior beings, is something that I have come across frequently when helping women. Sometimes husbands have told them that they are inferior simply because they are women. Children have been treated as inferior to their parents only because they are younger. Local people in a given town can treat people from other countries and cultures as inferior because they are different. Old people can suffer in this way as they are seen to be a burden to the economy. Disabled people are seen as lesser beings because they do not function as other people do. It is even questioned whether the old, the disabled, and the sick should continue to...


Biblical counselling resources in Spanish are numerous. Here are some that I have come across: ACBC CCEF The  How People Change   study guide is available in Spanish through Amazon.   Shepherding a Child's Heart/ Como Pastorear el Corazon de Su Hijo  by Tedd Tripp (Poiema Publications) Age of Opportunity / Edad de Oportunidad  by Paul Tripp (Publicaciones Faro de Gracia) Power Encounters / Encuentros de Poder by David Powlison (Peregrino) Instruments in the Redeemer's Hands  / Instrumentos en las manos del redentor  by Paul Trip...


Different people in Ukraine teach biblical counselling in Ukrainian and Russian.  Kyiv Theological Seminary  provides a Masters of Arts in Biblical Counseling.  Coram Deo  gives biblical counseling education and  Overseas Instruction in Counseling  teaches biblical counselling courses.


The  Associação Brasileira de Conselheiros Bíblicos  is a rich source for biblical counsellors. There are a number of books that have been translated into Portuguese. These include: T he Transforming Power of the Gospel/O poder transformador do evangelho by Jerry Bridges  ISBN: 9788574140520 Christ-centered Biblical Counseling/Aconselhamento Bíblico Cristocêntrico by James MacDonald, Bob Kellemen, and Steve Viars    ISBN: 978-85-7414-057-5 Picking up the Pieces/Recolhendo os Pedacos by Lou Priolo  ISBN: 978-85-7414-053-7 Age of Opportunity  Idade da Oportunidade r by Paul Tripp Welch. Ed. When People are Big and God is Small/ Quando as Pessoas São Grandes e Deus é Pequeno   by Ed.  Welch Daniel Berger II. Several books covering the topic of mental illness:


There are a couple of biblical counseling materials in Polish:  Heart Change for Life Change  by Julie Ganschow and  Psychobabbel  by Richard Genz. 


Publications Chrétiennes have a wealth of French-language resources. Here are a few other works that have been translated into French: French English Author Publisher Les coulisses de la relation de couple Marriage Matters Winston Smith Éditions Cruciforme Quand les hommes ont plus d'importance que Dieu When People are Big and God is Small Ed. Welch Éditions Impact À la croisée des chemins (guide de l'étudiant) Crossroads (Student Guide) Ed. Welch Éditions Cruciforme À la croisée des chemins (guide de l'animateur) Crossraods (Leader's Guide) Ed. Welch Éditions Cruciforme Libéré de la honte...

Nederlandstalige boeken

Voor de nederlandstaligen onder jullie - hier is een lijst van vertaalde werken: Bridges, Jerry. Inzet en genade. Navigators, 1997. ISBN: 9789063182168. ________. Heer U bent mijn doel. Hoenderloo: Novapres. ISBN: 9789063180867. ________. Verlangen naar heiliging. Hoenderloo: Novapres. ISBN: 9789063180911. ________. Vertrouwen . Hoenderloo: Novapres. ISBN: 9789063182052. ________. Genade . Hoenderloo: Novapres. ISBN: 9789063182045. ________. God vrezen met blijdschap. Hoenderloo: Novapres, 2014. ISBN: 9789063182311. ________. Je leven delen. Navigators. ISBN: 9789076596617. DeYoung, Kevin. Veel te druk. Barneveld: De Vuurbaak, 2013. ISBN: 9789055604838. _________. Wat de bijbel werkelijk leert over homoseksualiteit. De Banier. ISBN: 9789462786356. Gallagher, Steve. Word Jezus gelijk: Confronterende bijbelstudies voor geestelijke vernieuwing. Stichting  Heartcry. ISBN: 9789079465309. _______. Onweerstaanbaar voor God: Het...

Teaching in Spanish - David Barcelo

David Barcelo is a biblical counselor in Spain and the Spanish speaking world. He publishes  blog  posts with the Spanish Gospel Coalition. In Argentina, he taught an Introduction to Biblical Counseling class. This included  Biblical Counseling and the Mission of the Church ,  Qualification of a Biblical Counselor ,  the Sufficiency of Scripture ,  Progressive Sanctification ,  the Heart & Dynamics of Change ,  Psychology & the Bible , and  Integration, Inundation, & Reinterpretation . As well as Argentina, he has taught biblical counselling in Chile. Here are 6  videos  about peacemaking from a series he gave there.
When we face issues in our lives, or are seeking to help others, we often look for resources to help us care, change, and grow.  Bob Kellemen  shares his top biblical counseling books of 2017.
In February, Biblical Counselling U.K. will be hosting a conference about dealing biblically with anger  with Christopher Ash as speaker.

Review: She Got the Wrong Guy: Deepak Reju

She's Got the Wrong Guy: Why Smart Women Settle Deepak Reju "Why aren't you married yet?" "You'd better hurry up!" "You are too picky!" "You are resisting God's sanctifying work in your life!" "What is wrong with you that you are still single?" These common comments made to older Christian single women give some indication of the pressure that they face to marry. As well as hearing such hurtful comments, usually sermons are full of illustrations from Christian family life and church activities revolve around couples and families. The singles are the odd bunch. This not only puts Christian singles under pressure to marry, but it also gives the impression that they are missing out on God's intention for them. Over the course of many years, I have seen many women marry men when it was clear that it was not a wise choice. Usually they married because of pressure, a desire to fit in, and fear of childlessne...