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Showing posts from July, 2018

Freedom from Regret

Paul Tautges  guides us about how to live with the irreversible bad choices we make in life

The Importance of Humility as we Care for Each Other

Ed Welch briefly  explains the importance and role of humility as we care for one another

Pastoral Burnout: Its Causes and Cures

9 Marks has produced a new journal, this time addressing  the topic of pastoral burnout

Being a Friend to those with Mental Struggles/Illness

Tim Allchin  suggests how to be a help to those struggling with mental illness

"A Gift to the Church" Debilitated and Diminished: What Others are Saying

Debilitated and Diminished..What others are saying Dr. Dryburgh has given a gift to the body of Christ that will produce fruit beyond what she can possibly imagine. Oddly enough the author has written a book that counselor, perpetrator and victim can benefit from by crafting a position on emotional abuse that paints a picture of what normal is. My greatest challenge in caring for victims of abuse is not in identifying and describing abuse but rather in painting a picture of the future for an abused Christian woman. How does she overcome the "effects" of abuse and glorify God with her life? I will say it again, there is no other gospel-centered book out there that I know of that can address, and help, both abuser and victim. Available at: and

Free Audio from BCI Conferences

Thanks to the generous support of our monthly donors and the people who have purchased MP3 CDs in the past, the Biblical Counsel ing Institute has been able to open up an account at : !  Currently, you can download for free the audio messages from the male speakers at the 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017 conferences! (Sermon Audio only allows male speakers to be uploaded)

German Resources

For those looking for resources in German, there is the German Biblical Counseling Network: Biblical Counseling books: And biblical counseling training:

Biblical Counseling in Brazil

In this BCC podcast, Sacha Mendes  shares about the growth of the biblical counseling movement in Brasil